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Aminet Charts


| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 19-Oct-97
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
CamWatch10.lha     comm/tcp    34K   0+A program to watch web-based cameras
akJFIF43x.lha      util/dtype 226K   0+AkJFIF-dt V43.110 (JPEG, 68000-060)
akLJPG43x.lha      util/dtype 101K   0+AkLJPG-dt V43.110 (LJPG, 68000-060)
akPNG43x.lha       util/dtype 220K   0+AkPNG-dt V43.110 (PNG, 68000-060)
MetalWEB.lha       comm/www   344K   1+1.1 WYSIWYG html EDITOR! Frames supporte
akSVG43x.lha       util/dtype  86K   0+AkSVG-dt V43.110 (SVG, 68000-060)
AllocP.lha         util/boot    5K   0+AllocP - BetterAlloc (AllocMem/AllocVec 
BitmapShades.lha   util/misc    7K   0+Removes flickering stripes on A1200 high
danm_futureMUI.lha pix/icon   334K   0+MUI buttons and pat's, Oops! Prefsfile!
WebCam.lha         comm/tcp    42K   0+WWW Live Camera Viewer (ClassAct)
DT_MetaView.lha    util/dtype  63K   1+AMF,DR2D,DSDR,DXF,CGM,WMF,XFIG DataTypes
AllocP32.lha       util/boot    8K   0+AllocP32 - BetterAlloc (AllocMem patch f
amipet.lha         game/wb     54K   0+Amiga Pet V1.05b
ModePro4_35.lha    util/cdity 113K   1+Screenmode Promotion & Public Screen uti
WordConverter.lha  text/misc   55K   1+Converts Word 6,7,8 files to text, HTML 
rtgmaster_user.lha gfx/board  208K   0+Rtgmaster User Archive
amipet02.lha       game/wb      2K   0+AmiPet Sheep Graphics
BenchClock.lha     util/time   11K   0+BenchClock V1.55 - Real Digital Clock fo
amipet03.lha       game/wb      2K   0+AmiPet Spider Graphics
amipet01.lha       game/wb      4K   0+AmiPet Blob Graphics

| The highest rated programs during the week until 19-Oct-97
| Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you
| download. To do so, send to :
| RATE  
| where  is the file you want to judge and  is a mark from 0..10
| with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but
| don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
AlgoMusic2_2.lha   mus/misc   1.2M  14+Creates algor. techno tunes. Bugfixed!
AlgoMusic2_2u.lha  mus/misc   148K  14+Needs installed AlgoMusic V2.0+
Quine1_0.lha       misc/sci    11K  23+Quine McCluskey function resolver (MUI)
AmIRCMPEGA.lha     comm/tcp     2K  20+Mpega script for AmIRC
pirlaga-html.lha   docs/misc  129K  10+The PirlAGA Guide to HTML (italiano)
vbcc.lha           dev/c      1.0M  33+Free optimizing ANSI C compiler
Phonebill.lha      comm/misc    2K   2+Check the cost of your phone bill
fastuudecode.lha   comm/news    4K   2+Fast UUdecoder v1.0 (020+ Only)
phase6_06.lha      docs/mags  127K   1+Phase6 - German Disk-Mag issue #6
DeluxeGalaga_A.lha game/shoot 1.0M   6+Galaga clone with lots of extra features
DeluxeGalaga_E.lha game/shoot 857K   6+Galaga clone with lots of extra features
SinED.lha          mus/edit   221K  13+V1.15 the most powerful 16bit sample edi
ESCUtil.lha        text/print  37K   3+EPSON Stylus COLOR Series Utilitiy
mcx278.lha         util/cdity  65K   4+Multi Function Commodity
DiskMaster.lha     util/dir    86K   1+DiskMaster 2.3 and 1.58
VirusZ_II140.lha   util/virus 199K   2+VirusZ v1.40 by Georg Hoermann
DiskSafe.lha       disk/salv   45K   1+No longer non validated disks! 1.15
PhxLnk431.lha      dev/asm     60K   3+PhxLnk V4.31 Amiga DOS Linker
Crazy8.lha         game/misc  347K  30+Card game 1player vs computer music & so
Boum.lha           game/wb     17K  24+V1.1 MineSweeper/sound,Picasso96 support
HotMaps.lha        util/cdity   8K 155+Enables to use 2 keymaps in the same tim
NewIcons41.lha     util/wb    655K   1+The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V4!
MacSND-dtc.lha     util/dtype  19K  60+V1.9, Apple Macintosh "snd " sound resou
fmsdisk.lha        disk/misc    8K   3+Virtual floppy disk on Hard-disk.
CoolNESs.lha       misc/emu    22K   2+Cool-NES-emulator v0.45   97.09.29
NI-Backdrop_02.lha pix/nicon  362K 119+Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench
NI-Backdrop_03.lha pix/nicon  395K 119+Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench
NI-Backdrop_04.lha pix/nicon  298K 119+Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench
NI-Backdrop_05.lha pix/nicon  313K 119+Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench

| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 26-Oct-97 | Updated weekly. Most popular file on top. | |File Dir Size Age Description |----------------- --- ---- --- ----------- VisualPrefs.lha util/wb 245K 0+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI! WebCam.lha comm/tcp 42K 1+WWW Live Camera Viewer (ClassAct) StreamLineOS2.lha util/boot 22K 0+Dynamic System SpeedUp Patch. PC-TaskDemo43.lha misc/emu 261K 1+PC-Task 4.3 80486 PC Emulator using Dyna IB2Mozilla.lha comm/www 4K 0+Patch to make IBrowse pretend it`s Netsc WordConverter.lha text/misc 57K 0+Converts Word 6,7,8 files to text, HTML CamWatch10.lha comm/tcp 34K 1+A program to watch web-based cameras PC-TaskPatch43.lha misc/emu 301K 1+PC-Task 4.3 Patch. Updates 4.2 to 4.3 AWeb.lha biz/demo 415K 0+V 3.0bDEMO of this fast WWW browser WinSoundv1.4.lha util/cdity 34K 0+Workbench Sound Commodity v1.4 amipet.lha game/wb 58K 0+Amiga Pet V1.10b Fixed! i-timer.lha util/time 21K 0+On-line clock, measures your online time ExtenMgr2.0.lha util/wb 52K 0+Macintosh style Extensions Manager V2.0 amipet02.lha game/wb 2K 0+AmiPet Sheep Graphics adosguide.lha docs/help 258K 0+Detailed AmigaDOS Ref Guide. V2.0 amipet03.lha game/wb 2K 0+AmiPet Spider Graphics amipet01.lha game/wb 5K 0+AmiPet Blob Graphics NI4OpusT.lha biz/dopus 229K 0+Toolbar NewIcons v1.03 dt_metaview.lha util/dtype 6K 26+AMF,DR2D,DXF,WMF,XFIG DataTypes for Meta mpgagui30.lha mus/play 85K 1+THE real Gui for MpegA V3.0 and up | The highest rated programs during the week until 26-Oct-97 | Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you | download. To do so, send to : | RATE | where is the file you want to judge and is a mark from 0..10 | with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but | don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8 | |File Dir Size Age Description |----------------- --- ---- --- ----------- AlgoMusic2_2.lha mus/misc 1.2M 15+Creates algor. techno tunes. Bugfixed! AlgoMusic2_2u.lha mus/misc 148K 15+Needs installed AlgoMusic V2.0+ Quine1_0.lha misc/sci 11K 24+Quine McCluskey function resolver (MUI) pirlaga-html.lha docs/misc 129K 11+The PirlAGA Guide to HTML (italiano) Phonebill.lha comm/misc 2K 3+Check the cost of your phone bill fastuudecode.lha comm/news 4K 3+Fast UUdecoder v1.0 (020+ Only) pint.lha comm/ums 205K 22+*THE* Reader for UMS, v2.1 (MUI) BookCon.lha comm/www 39K 1+Bookmark/Hotlist converter with GUI phase6_06.lha docs/mags 127K 2+Phase6 - German Disk-Mag issue #6 Geenie_148.lha game/jump 239K 11+Geenie v1.48 by Backyard Brothers DiamondCavesII.lha game/misc 436K 1+Emerald Mine - the next generation v1.0 SinED.lha mus/edit 224K 0+V1.17 16-bit sample editor/generator ESCUtil.lha text/print 37K 4+EPSON Stylus COLOR Series Utilitiy DiskMaster.lha util/dir 86K 2+DiskMaster 2.3 and 1.58 VirusZ_II140.lha util/virus 199K 3+VirusZ v1.40 by Georg Hoermann DiskSafe.lha disk/salv 45K 2+No longer non validated disks! 1.15 IFX.lha util/cdity 76K 1+(V2.30) Sound FX for Windows/Screens/Mor PhxLnk431.lha dev/asm 60K 4+PhxLnk V4.31 Amiga DOS Linker ar508-HTML.lha docs/mags 225K 1+Amiga Report 5.08 in HTML Delarith.lha game/jump 236K 4+Delarith by Backyard Brothers NSX_190U.lha game/misc 344K 16+Nibbler Super eXtra v1.90 by BackBros Crazy8.lha game/misc 347K 31+Card game 1player vs computer music & so NewIcons41.lha util/wb 655K 2+The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V4! MacSND-dtc.lha util/dtype 19K 61+V1.9, Apple Macintosh "snd " sound resou fmsdisk.lha disk/misc 8K 4+Virtual floppy disk on Hard-disk. TextView116.lha text/show 57K 6+Textviewer for PP,XPK,AGuide,HTML,Pipes. AnyMEM_v1.lha util/misc 3K 3+Patch to re-direct fastmem allocation to xpk_Develop.lha util/pack 92K 4+V4.16 Compression package, developer cut Alloc32P.lha util/sys 8K 2+Alloc32P - AllocMem/AllocVec patch V2.0